Practical Conservation Opportunities in and around Salisbury
Lots of Organisations and Groups organise a range of practical conservation tasks, community support and other activities locally and welcome new volunteers to help them. Most require you to register with them in some way if only to provide you, their other members and the General Public with insurance cover and to ensure they have contact your details. The following is NOT a comprehensive list of the local opportunities, more will be added:
Practical Conservation Groups
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Salisbury Wildlife Group
The SWG carries out woodland and chalk grassland maintenance amongst much else on City Council and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust (WWT) sites in and around Salisbury. While all volunteers, the SWG is part of WWT with whom you must first register here to volunteer (NB No requirement to join WWT.). Once registered search for the "Salisbury Wildlife Group - WWT, Salisbury City and Wiltshire Council reserves and sites" 'Opportunity' which will list the SWG's 'Sessions' for upto 6 months. The SWG Facebook page publishes their and similar groups programmes in the Task Programmes Album along with imminent events
Harnham Water Meadows Trust
The HWMT are a group of volunteers who maintain and promote the meadows, and conserve the natural diversity of wildlife. The meadows are designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The Trusts website including details of thr Mudlarks who do the practical work is here.
Castle Hill Country Park
The Land Trust took over responsibility for Castle Hill Country Park in December 2020 and manages the site in partnership with Wessex Grounds Services who undertake the day-to-day site management and Wiltshire Wildlife Trust who are responsible for developing community engagement. Castle Hill Country Park Volunteers meet on the 2nd Saturday of the month. More information can be found by following the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust volunteering opportunities here – volunteering opportunities.
Wiltshire Wildlife Conservation Volunteers
The WWCV operates across the whole county carrying out similar tasks to the SWG some
on local WWT as well as NT and RSPB reserves. Their current programme and contact details are here.
Friends of Harnham Slopes
The Friends of Harnham Slope is a group of part time volunteers who work together to promote community interest and involvement in the care, maintenance and management of Harnham Slope, which will increase public enjoyment of the area and enhance its value for wildlife for the benefit of present and future generations. The Friends of Harnham Slope (usually abbreviated to FOHS and pronounced “foes”) work in close co- operation with the Parks Section of Salisbury City Council and the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and always welcome additional help.
National Trust
The National Trust manages sites near Salisbury including Pepperbox Hill and Figsbury Rings. The NT's Rangers run monthkly or more frequent practical landscape management tasks between September and March and rely on volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering at either site contact the NT's Avebury volunteer coordination staff by email at or call on 01672 539250
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
The Wiltshire Wildife Trust manages 40 reserves across the County, ten within 12miles of Salisbury most with dedicated volunteer groups. You can find descriptions of these here and join Volunteer Groups via the Trust's volunteering Registration Page.