Our Mission Statement
(adopted June 2022)
The Salisbury EcoHub Alliance exists to provide a space and network as a means for like-minded individuals, organisations and businesses to work together in the Salisbury area to promote awareness, facilitate action and provide information and education on a wide range of environmental issues, in particular the climate emergency.
It is currently an unincorporated association, but is investigating the most appropriate longer-term form and status (such as that of a Charity and/or Community Interest Company) to enable it to fulfil its aims. Its principal aim is to locate and obtain premises in central Salisbury to act as a hub for individuals and voluntary groups in Salisbury and the surrounding area concerned with environmental and ecological topics and issues (including but not limited to the climate emergency) in order to provide:
a space where all local people can go to meet others with similar concerns or to discover more about the climate and ecological emergencies;
a climate cafe for socialising and a meeting space to discuss or debate relevant issues (perhaps introducing people’s assemblies);
a display space for information publicising its various member groups and their activities to the public;
information exchange and advice;>
support for those suffering from climate anxiety;
and to educate and support people in the climate emergency;
whilst also raising funds and incorporating a sufficient commercial aspect to cover costs.
These premises might be described as a Department Store of Greenness.
This physical presence would also be supported by a Virtual Hub: a web page providing a virtual public display space and links to its various member groups and their activities. Its short-term aims are those which can be easily achieved, and which provide the basis for realising the principal aim:
a regular stall in Salisbury Market, publicising the Eco Hub project and the local groups which are backing it. (The stall space is being provided free of charge courtesy of Salisbury City Council);
obtaining the support of groups and individuals in the Salisbury area who are prepared to back the project;
setting up a Virtual Hub, in the form of a website listing, and with links to the websites of, the groups backing the project;
researching successful examples of local Environment Centres, green markets and eco-hubs elsewhere and
transferable experience to Salisbury; -
researching the availability of premises in the Salisbury area which might house the Eco Hub on either a short-term or longer-term basis.